Aug 12Liked by Roman Newell

i’ve been thinking about writer’s block lately. i think it’s more of— are you in the right environment to write? are you in the right headspace to right (this doesn’t mean you’re inner writer is blocked, it just means it’s not the time to write— i’m sure someone could argue with me here). also, i’ve found myself lately trying to force certain stories/narratives/topics and i catch myself and instead lean into the story that actually wants to be written, etc. make sense? this is a big topic.

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I’m not sure I know what you mean about right environment but I definitely know what you mean about leaning into the story that wants to be written. I am almost always surprised by finished product. (Not that my process should be anyone else’s process.)

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yes! everyone’s process is their own. this took me time to understand as well. as far as the environment, i mean that literally. so, an office space that you feel comfortable and or inspired in. or if you prefer to write outside, etc. could just be me :) but i have to be in a “right” environment.

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For now, I'm afraid I have the opposite problem. Too many ideas vying for my attention. "Just a quick piece of satire. No, an essay on something important. No, develop the characters for something longer. Make a plan!" I think I need discipline.

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Haha. Not the worst problem to have. Just write them all down and try one. :)

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Shades of Bradbury there. Although, I think it's not just fiction. I find myself doing the same with essays. If I don't know where it's going, what the "story" is, I feel stuck. Maybe there's some merit to applying the same concept. Pull the thread, see what unwinds.

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