Another great one.

I've had an image stuck in my head lately of people crowding the rungs of a ladder. Since they can't move up because it doesn't grow, a group has been relegated like worker ants to moving along the outside of the ladder each day to report to work at the bottom, where they dig. Their job is to unearth more rungs so they can feel they've risen when they return home each night.

Feels like it fits.

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That’s quite the image. 💙

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I'm writing something on Medium promoting a couple of writers I like. Are you okay with me promoting your Substack link? (I didn't see a way to send a msg.)

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That’s fine. Thank you.

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You should see it first. I went pretty bad/bold. I'll pm you the link on Medium.

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We are at that culmination, nearing that apex where what was once surreal becomes real.

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That pretty much sounds like my experience with the entirety of modern day society.

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I pick up the pen. I change the rules.

Indeed. ❤️

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This is piece is so insightful. Sometimes I feel I am from alternative universe. I have no anger toward anyone nor do I have animosity either. Why do we fight? We are all struggling to get through this life and have as much happiness and joy as possible. I don't believe it is a zero sum game. There's enough for everyone.

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Me too, Bob, me too. Definitely agree with you on the alternate universe thing.

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I agree Bob.

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