I was completely entranced during this whole read, I couldn't look away. the sorrow and the questions that I don't have answers to-not even for myself- wow. tears in my eyes, this is something more than beautiful but I don't have the words for it.

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I feel this way about Roman’s writing too. Too beautiful and I never have the right words to describe it.

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Oct 2Liked by Roman Newell

this is one of those where you're at a loss for words by the end of it but still want to show support. (this is my pitiful attempt.) beautiful writing on a hard topic... i'll need another few days to unfurrow my brow.

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Therapist: I would like for you to trust me.

Me: I prefer not to.

A good (trauma-informed) therapist would never ask you to trust them. It's like asking you to fly.

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I felt this is my soul. Once again, your words are visceral, raw, and real—and touch something in others that we can’t even fully explain. Thank you. 🖤🖤

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John 20:24-29.

Thomas only wanted to see the wounds - “I will not believe until I see.”

Christ did him one better. To touch, to get INSIDE the wound. “Put your finger INTO my hand. Put your hand INTO my side.”

Think of the pain Jesus initially endured while being wounded. And then He was willing to live through it again while Thomas touched Him and caused more pain.

He didn’t tell Thomas to touch the inside of the wound just becase He could. He wanted it to happen. He wanted to suffer again for Thomas.

Christ wants us to take our doubts to Him, not only so He can see them, but so He can take them from us and place it IN Himself to heal them. He will do this for us not out of ability and power, but out of love and care. Jesus takes our pain, shares it with us, so that we are one with Him while we are healed.

That being said, if anyone knows what it’s like to be physically violated, it is Jesus. He is the most reliable person to trust in that journey. His embrace feels safe because He didn’t deserve torture either.

Peace to you ❤️ This is a moving post.

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