last two paragraphs nearly made me cry in the office... damn you

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Success! ;)

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Sep 18Liked by Roman Newell

This is the part that got me: "Four chambers. Four bedrooms. You could say, for a time, I was four chambers. Bed chambers. Capable of loving at least four people."

That's stayed with me. A real and raw piece.

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Thanks, Sarah.

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Beautiful piece all around- and “inspiration mildews” hit so viscerally I could taste it.

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Thanks, Amelia. 💜

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Sep 17Liked by Roman Newell

This hits man. Down to only a single grandmother. I was at college, and working, when she died. I had seen her a month or two before and she was gone. A shell. Zero response. My aunt had kept her “alive” on life support, collect her SS checks. It’s the only time I had no interest in going to a funeral. I normally am there to support loved ones. Couldn’t do it. Only one that understood was my younger sister. Because she was like my grandmother: loves you for what you are..what you are not doesn’t factor-in.

Regardless, I can’t help but sometimes wonder if I’ve done right by the heart I’ve been given. Relationships. Marriage. Some success, some failure. Many will tell you I’m a great success as a friend. Is that just a low-energy use of my heart, though?

Anyway, I dig this. Some of your writing flies over my head. It’s deep, for lack of better words. I’ll hang on to this one though.

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Hey Laggy, I really appreciate that thoughtful response. It can be tough working through these moments in our lives. They all tell us a bit about who we are. I definitely don't know what all my decisions and attitudes mean. Not even in retrospect. But I'm always looking, asking, searching. That, at least, is a start. I appreciate your support. Also? Not even I understand everything I write. :)

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Sep 17Liked by Roman Newell

That wild that it just flows out of you like that!

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I’m a victim! 🤣

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Sep 17Liked by Roman Newell


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Sometimes we have to let go of others to hold on to ourselves. Because who else will, if we don't? Beautiful writing. Loved Robert's last sentence. He's right, of course.

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Sep 16Liked by Roman Newell

a reflection alright... especially "When to hold and when to let go. I think I have always had them swapped." got me all pensative

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You and me both.

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Beautiful story as I am now accustomed to expect from your writing. I am reminded of an expression I heard long ago about not 'shoulding' on yourself. I should have done this, I should have done that. I can get mired in all the shoulds I can look back on. It's difficult for me at my age to be positive about the present but I try and not tell myself I should do anything.

You have a wonderful way of making people think when they read your stories.

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So thoughtful and revealing. I loved it.

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Thank you.

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Beautiful writing, Roman.

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Thanks, Nolcha.

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Sep 16Liked by Roman Newell

wow, wonderful.

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Thanks, my friend.

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Art and creativity is so important for our human hearts. None of us really have life figured out, or know when to hold on and when to let go. Writing like yours, Roman, is so valuable for helping each other take the time to breathe, look at the heart in our hands, reflect, and move forward with the pain and joy of living. Thank you for being real! 🫀

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