Lord, I could shout this one from the rooftops. I see it in so many new submissions to my pubs. New writers who think if they can just paint their emotions loud enough, with enough guilt, anger, whatever, they will make the reader feel. Doesn't work that way. Restacked. :)

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A writer, should paint emotions in an abstract form, then let the reader interpret the emotions.....!

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Hey Roman, this was a great lesson! I never really looked at it from this perspective. I feel like as a writer or artist, I always thought it was my responsibility to take the reader on a journey of emotions that I wanted them to feel specifically. I always felt like if I didn’t have the ability to make the reader feel exactly what I wanted them to feel in a piece then I failed as a writer or someone who conveys stories for a living. Sometimes I get too caught up in that that I forget that there a multiple different interpretations to a painting on a canvas. The Mona Lisa still evokes multiple different feelings into different people due to the eyes. Thank you so much for conveying it this way. Giving the reader space to feel something is what actually takes them on a journey of emotions rather than trying to box them in. Thank you so much for sharing this! :)

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I’m glad it makes sense :)

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